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Cien Saude Colet ; 17(10): 2773-81, 2012 Oct.
Artigo em Português | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23099763


This study analyses psychological autopsies and contextualizes problems and issues that led to elderly people taking their own lives in the city of Rio de Janeiro between 2004 and 2007. The study began with an analysis of 26 expert findings of elderly men and women who committed suicide in the central, northern and southern areas of Rio de Janeiro. The sample was contacted by letter and telephone and after that, by a one-on-one conversation. Eight psychological autopsies were conducted, in which identification data and family genograms were collected followed by an interview to profile the life style and the reasons for the self-inflicted violence. The interviewees were family members, friends and acquaintances of the victims. The suicides are associated with depression, serious physical and mental illness, as well as socio-cultural factors related to professional and socio-economic decline. The suicides occurred with and without family support, with and without medical care. The cumulative fragility of personal and social resources within the life cycle reveals that the risk of suicide among the elderly demands permanent care from the public health authorities.

Suicídio/psicologia , Idoso , Brasil , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Saúde da População Urbana
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 17(10): 2773-2781, out. 2012.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-653927


Esse estudo analisa autópsias psicológicas e contextualiza problemas e fatores que levaram algumas pessoas idosas a acabar com a própria vida na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, entre 2004 e 2007. O estudo parte de 26 laudos periciais de homens e mulheres que cometeram suicídios no centro, na zona norte e na zona sul da cidade. As famílias desses idosos foram contatadas por carta e telefone e depois, pessoalmente. Foram oito autópsias psicológicas, por meio das quais foram coletados dados de identificação, genograma da família e uma entrevista que reconstituiu o modo de vida e as razões da violência autoinfligida. Os entrevistados foram familiares, amigos e conhecidos das vítimas. Os suicídios estão associados a depressão, a enfermidades físicas e mentais graves e a fatores socioculturais como decadência profissional e socioeconômica. Esses eventos ocorreram com e sem apoio familiar, com e sem acompanhamento médico. A fragilização cumulativa de recursos pessoais e sociais no ciclo vital revela que o risco do suicídio em idosos exige cuidados permanentes de saúde pública.

This study analyses psychological autopsies and contextualizes problems and issues that led to elderly people taking their own lives in the city of Rio de Janeiro between 2004 and 2007. The study began with an analysis of 26 expert findings of elderly men and women who committed suicide in the central, northern and southern areas of Rio de Janeiro. The sample was contacted by letter and telephone and after that, by a one-on-one conversation. Eight psychological autopsies were conducted, in which identification data and family genograms were collected followed by an interview to profile the life style and the reasons for the self-inflicted violence. The interviewees were family members, friends and acquaintances of the victims. The suicides are associated with depression, serious physical and mental illness, as well as socio-cultural factors related to professional and socio-economic decline. The suicides occurred with and without family support, with and without medical care. The cumulative fragility of personal and social resources within the life cycle reveals that the risk of suicide among the elderly demands permanent care from the public health authorities.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Idoso , Autopsia , Idoso , Suicídio , Brasil , Depressão/psicologia , Transtornos Mentais